To Muslim Countries
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يحفظك
Dear shaykh ,
Here in India (kerala) there is a group of salafies, they were always encouraging people to migrates to yemen. Even though there are lot of legal restrictons going on ..
Indian govt has banned going yemen. People who were going yemen under police investigation and they have been accused by terrorism..
One of our brother recently migrated to yemen with his wife and 2 daughters .. his elder son didn't go with him he refused.. and after he went the his mother and other relatives were crying...the whole family were become sad some of them were scolding... It has been affected salafi dawa badly.
There are lot of cases like this going on in kerela. .so based on this what is the ruling of this action. Is it right or wrong. . And what is the ruling on making hijra from a non muslim country to muslim country is it wajib or musthahabb.
Answer :
وعليكم سلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
With regards to doing Hijra to Muslim countries , it is obligatory in Islam but only for those who are able to do so as it is like the rest of the obligations in Islam which are obligatory only upon those who have the ability.
I advise the brothers with what Shayk Muqbil رحمه الله used to advise with regards to making Hijra. It is that whoever wants to do Hijra should not do so directly. Rather he should first stay in those Islamic countries and see whether he can stay there permanently thereby making it as a Hijra .
As for Yemen , there is goodness and Salafi Dawah is going good here. But it is currently a country in which there is war going on in its North , and therefore it is necessary to think more , look and search from all angles before one makes the decision of doing Hijra , and whoever wants to enter it should settle in its South. However he must enter the country in a legal way and should obtain a valid residence and so on so as not to go against the ruler on one hand and to be safe on the other hand since the situation there is changing rapidly .
Likewise , I advise him to choose for himself a good place where there are Salafis and the teacher should be a useful brother far from Fitan busying himself in spreading knowledge and benefitting the people around him.
بالنسبة للهجرة إلى بلاد المسلمين فهي واجبة شرعا ولكن لمن استطاع إليها ، فحكمها مثل بقية الواجبات الشرعية لا تكون لازمة إلا مع القدرة عليها .
وأما بالنسبة للدعوة إلى الهجرة إلى بلاد المسلمين اليوم فأنصح الأخوة بما كان ينصح به الشيخ مقبل رحمه الله وهو أنه من أراد الهجرة فلا يهاجر ابتداءا ولكن ينتقل ويستقر في بلاد الإسلام ثم ينظر هل يمكنه أن يمكث هناك دائما بحيث يجعلها هجرة أم لا لكي لا ينفك عن هجرته بعد فعلها .
أما بالنسبة لليمن فاليمن فيها خير ودعوة سلفية طيبة ولكنها حاليا بلاد فيها حرب في شمالها وبالتالي لا بد من تريث ونظر وبحث من جميع الجهات ومن أراد أن يدخلها فاليستقر في جنوبها ولكن لابد عليه أن يدخلها بسبيل صحيح ويحصل على إقامة صحيحة ونحو ذلك كي لا يصطدم بولي الأمر من جانب وكي يأمن على نفسه من جانب آخر والحال هناك يتقلب على نحو سريع .
وكذلك أنصحه أن ينتقي لنفسه مركزا سلفيا جيدا يكون القائم عليه أخ مفيد بعيد عن الفتن وأهلها .والله أعلم.